Following studies in communications and a master's degree in "Métiers de la Culture" at Lille III University, Clémence Casses joined choreographer Maud Le Pladec's "Léda" company as a production and administration assistant. At the same time, she worked with choreographer Simon Tanguy on the creation of his company, "Propagande C", and supported it during its first year of activity.
After more than two years in Rennes, Clémence Casses moved to the Paris region to work as a production assistant for Philippe Decouflé. She accompanied the tour of Contact for ten months. Clémence then joined the Blues sur Seine festival (Yvelines) for six months, replacing the administrator, who was on maternity leave.
Between March 2017 and September 2018, Clémence Casses worked as an administrator for choreographer Gaëlle Bourges/association Os and for choreographer Herman Diephuis.