Histoire de Camille is the name given to a painted panel that can be seen on the first floor of the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Tours: it is the front part of a wedding chest, was painted around 1460-1470 in Florence, and is one of the few MNR (Musées Nationaux Récupération) works that the Tours museum houses. Between historical study and play choreographic game, Simply Camilla presents the painted scenes from this Italian chest. The scenes illustrate the story of the heroine Camille (found in The Aeneid): between flight and wild childhood, amazon figure and epic battle, imaginary worlds and dances travel to their heart's content - with cardboard horses and trumpets, fake river, real violin, musical saw, song; with a lot of Virgil and a little Boccaccio, but not too much (the author of The Decameron was a real misogynist after all).
Just Camille # 1 premiered in June 2018 at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours - directed by Thomas Lebrun, as part of the Atelier chorégraphique.
Simply Camilla # 2 was created on March 16, 2024 for and by student artists at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts de la Marionnette (Charleville-Mézières).