The bath

The bath plunges into art history with two 16th-century paintings: "Diane au bain", École de Fontainebleau, after François Clouet (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours); and "Suzanne au bain", Le Tintoret (Musée du Louvre-Lens).
To bring them to life, three performers manipulate freshwater, dolls, rabbits, frogs, old men and deer heads, along with a few toiletries. In this way, the trio retraces two old stories often illustrated by painting - the episode of Actaeon from Ovid's "Metamorphoses", and of Susanna spied on by two old men who are finally punished for their indiscretion (book of Daniel in the Old Testament). Combining dance, song and storytelling, The bath proposes to open the way for children (and their parents) to explore the representation of the naked body in art history.

Cover photo: The bath ©Danielle Voirin